Greetings Life House Family,
As we enter this upcoming week may we draw strength in the knowledge of the great love that we have been given. We have been experiencing such cold and stormy weather. Let us draw strength from the contrast of the warmth of His Love. It is always flowing and ever present. All we need to do is turn our eyes once again on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. We have been studying faith on our Youtube bible study. We can take such encouragement from the fact that our faith originates from The Godhead; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Through our relationship with Christ we have been given a measure of faith that grows through our relationship with Him. Getting to Know Him and His Kingdom ways, bring us the security we have in this precious relationship. We are called into this eternal, restored relationship and have been given the privilege of living with Him into eternity. We are definitely incredibly blessed! The Word tells us that we are blessed to be a blessing. We have peace that the world doesn't have. As we draw on His love ,we are able to share His love with others. As we yield to Him we recognize everything we need is found in our relationship with Him. We then understand why the enemy of our soul does everything to distract us from our source of life. The world around us is in such chaos and it wants us to be squeezed into that mold. The voice of the world is constantly trying to sell us the lie that there is not enough of what we need. For those who only see in the natural realm it appears to be true. Whether it is natural supplies, lack in relationships, lack in health, lack of peace.the voices are very loud. All that is going on around us is vying for our attention. If we give in to it, we will be offered fear, doubt and unbelief. We need to constantly be aware of the wiles of the enemy and how he joins in the fray to rob us of our inheritance in Christ. Every commercial on T.V. is selling us lack. Highlighting all we need and don't have. What a lie! When we turn our hearts to the truth of God's Word, we see we have everything we need for life and godliness. The most important gift we have is our relationship with Him and the relationships of family and friends. When our emphasis is in the right place, we can draw on the blessings of both. We at Life House are committed to standing in prayer and sharing His life with one another. We count it such a privilege to be connected and to bring encouragement. We recognize so many are going through tough times. The tribulation of this world can be so difficult . We continue to lift each other up in prayer. I made reference in the last You tube teaching, that life in Christ is like being in an upward spiral and the contrast of being without Him as a downward spiral . Let us be encouraged that Holy Spirit is working on our behalf. We are ascending into a higher place in Him as we keep our hearts open to His Voice and open to Holy Spirit to continue to teach us His ways. One of the words we received a while ago was that He was going to" teach us the depths of the familiar". Meaning that the familiar scriptures that we know would become deeper and wider to us as we continue to meditate on them. One of these has been Psalm 23. We know He is our Shepherd. The revelation of this truth has become such a comfort with deeper meaning . As I have been studying Him as my shepherd I have been blessed to also see some truths about sheep. The psalm in the amplified version says "The Lord is my shepherd (to feed , guide, and shield me) I shall not lack. verse 2 says "He makes me to lie down in (fresh, tender) green pastures; He leads me beside still and restful waters. (Revelation 7:17). He makes me to lie down.. I found out that sheep will not lie down unless four requirements are met. 1. They need to be free from all fear. 2. free from friction with other sheep. 3. free from flies and parasites. 4. free from hunger. This sure has many applications for our lives as "His sheep". We can see how we need to be free from all the world, the flesh and the devil throw at us. We take such comfort in knowing that He watches over us. He can deliver us and bring us to a place where we lie down in the green pastures of His Kingdom life. This psalm is so rich in so much revelation that I will bring more in the next email. We will go into the depths of the familiar together. Now let us pray . " Heavenly Father, we worship You as our great shepherd. Thank you for leading and guiding through every wilderness experience that we are going through. Help us to "lie down" and receive Your provision in every circumstance. We ask for fresh revelation of Your love for each person reading this email. We ask for a fresh infilling of Your Holy Spirit today and in the coming days. We are so grateful for Your patience toward us. We ask that you continue to give us Your perspective on each situation that we are encountering. Teach us to love with Your love. Thank you that we do not have to lean on our own understanding but as we acknowledge You, You are directing our paths. We continue to ask for all those who are struggling with health issues. Also those who are coming through surgeries. We call on Your healing power to touch and heal each one. We continue to ask for those who are serving us in the front lines of this pandemic. Send them fresh strength for all they are going through. We pray for all leadership today. Give them wisdom to lead well. We ask for your mercy for those who are not aware of Your ways yet. We ask for Your care for all our loved ones. Thank You for your leading and guiding us on the upward path towards more and more of Your Goodness. We posture our hearts in love and gratitude for all You are and all You continue to be for all of us. We pray this in Your name dear Jesus."
Until next time, Stay warm and be blessed. Hugs, Cheryl