Greetings Life House Family,
It is hard to believe that summer is coming to a close, and we are getting back into fall routines. This weekend has had some sad events. We say goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II and remember September 11th, the horrific terror attack on United States. We lift up all the people effected by these events in prayer and give thanks for 70 years of the queen’s reign.
As we enter into fall we are reminded that we are in the third quarter of 2022 already. Time seems to be speeding up in these last days. We are so grateful for the keeping power of God in our lives. We are looking forward to gathering next week on the 19th for bible study again. It will be wonderful to be together again. I hope many will be returning to gather with us.
The scripture I am sharing today is Micah 4: 1,2. It brings to mind the call to Kingdom Life in Jesus that we have the privilege of living in. “But in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come and say “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways and we will walk in His paths; for the law will go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” There are teachings on the mountains of cultural influence that are on the earth. These 7 mountains are identified as the ‘mountains’ of government, religion, family, arts, media, education and business. This scripture says that the mountain of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains. This is something we can pray for, as we see the enemy has had way too much influence in all these mountains. Notice it says the mountain of the Lord will be established in the top of the mountains .This speaks of the influence we have in Him whatever mountain we are working in. There are many vocations represented where the Lord can bring His influence through us. As we identify the “mountains, I think of our Life House family working in these various areas. Remember we can bring His influence wherever He has planted us. We don’t only serve in our churches, but in every area of our lives. As we posture our hearts to seek His Kingdom first, we can be taught His ways and walk in His paths.
Our heart for Life House is that the Word will go forth in the power of Holy Spirit from our Jerusalem. Jerusalem represents the capital city of Israel, and in the spirit, it represents the capital place in our hearts. The secret place of our hearts. The primary place of influence for all that flows from our lives. Another new testament scripture that is familiar to us is: Acts 1:8 “And you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth”. We have made reference to this scripture before, but it bears repeating. It is so important that we see the order in this scripture. First receiving from Holy Spirit, then we can be a witness. The witness is unto God . We have an audience of one. Our emphasis is to please and honor Him and the outcome of that witness will be seen in our sphere of influence and in all our relationships. As we think on these scriptures we are reminded of the heights we can ascend in Kingdom. This scripture refers to going up the mountain. We can see from a vantage point that is higher. Isaiah refers to a flourishing of Christ’s Kingdom in Isaiah 35. It speaks of a desert blossoming and rejoicing. The whole chapter is full of encouragement. It refers to a highway. I think of Jesus being our high-way! Our High Way of Holiness. The Kingdom of God is such a wonderful place to live. It helps us navigate this natural world with all its challenges. We look forward to pursuing The Lord this bible study season. Going up His mountain together!
Let us pray: Father we are so grateful to be citizens of the Kingdom of God. We honor and worship our King Jesus. We pray for all the spheres of influence mentioned. We pray that your Kingdom would come and Your will be done in every “mountain’. Thank You that You have given us power to tread on the enemy’s tactics and we tear down the high places that he has established in Jesus Name. We ask that Your light would overtake darkness. We ask for removal of crooked and unethical influences in all 7 mountains. Would You clean house and establish Your House Lord. We ask that all our Life House family would know that we can be salt and light wherever we are. We ask for spiritual strength to be imparted to all of us. Wash us from all fear. Open our eyes to what is going on around us. We continue to ask for healing: both emotional and physical. Be with all the caregivers and energize them with Your life Lord. We ask for jobs for those who need them. We pray for all the children going back to school that they will be kept safe and have much encouragement and healthy relationships. We ask for healthy boundaries in all our relationships. May we be “living letters” that when we are read, people can see Jesus. We ask all this in Your wonderful Name Jesus.
Much love, Cheryl